The primary objective of Canadian labour standards is to establish and protect the right of an employee to fair and equitable conditions of employment.

As Canada is a federation of different provinces and territories, the rules respecting labour standards vary from place to place and from activity to activity.

The Canada Labour Code applies exclusively to employees and employers involved in the following activities, no matter where these activities occur:

  • Interprovincial and international services such as:
    • Railways
    • Highway transport
    • Telephone, telegraph, and cable systems
    • Pipelines
    • Canals
    • Ferries, tunnels, and bridges
    • Shipping and shipping services
  • Radio and television broadcasting, including cablevision;
  • Air transport, aircraft operations, and aerodromes;
  • Banks;
  • Undertakings for the protections and preservation of fisheries as a natural resources; and
  • Undertakings declared by Parliament to be for the general advantage of Canada

Canada Work Permit HR Tool

The Canada Work Permit HR Tool has been designed to help employers navigate the complex process of hiring foreign workers.

Get the employees you need

If the work-related activity you are interested in is included in the above list, the labour standards set out in the Canada Labour Code apply to you.

If the work-related activity you are interested in is not included in the above list, then you must consult the rules on labour standards established by the province or territory where the activity will occur:

